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Graduate School of Business


Marketing operates in a complex and dynamic marketplace environment. Those environmental forces influence strategic and operational decision making processes by marketers. The goal of the PhD course program is to provide PhD students a sound introduction into recent developments, theories and methods in applied marketing research. Students will draw from current marketing journal articles to raise awareness of what is happening on the one hand in the marketing environment and on the other hand in market research. We will have deep discussions about new marketing issues and/or methodological advancements that could potentially impact the industry and academic research.

The purpose of our PhD course program is therefore to provide PhD students with a solid foundation for critical thinking and research about recent trends in marketing and a fundamental education in several state-of-the-art methods in econometrics, statistics and quantitative modeling. Participants will learn to develop relevant research ideas, to link them to theories, to apply rigorous methods and to publish their work in academic research journals. The program requires excellent quantitative and programming skills. Undergraduate studies in statistics and prior training in marketing and marketing research are advantages.

Program Overview (PDF, 115 KB)

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